Wednesday, March 28, 2012

And Thus, it Begins

This blog came about for multiple reasons:

1. Tonight my friend Michael asked what I'm looking forward to whether it be in a week or in 4 years. My mind started spinning with the excitement the next 4 years of my life will bring. This blog is made in order to document that crazy time :]

2. Yesterday at school, Jeff Utecht who is by far one of my favorite people I've ever had the pleasure of listening to, spoke during an assembly. He explained how this generation, the Millennial Generation has the ability to connect better than any other generation that has ever lived. He explained that the world is becoming increasingly technological (obviously) and that we should start creating an online resume. I'm taking his advice- here we go!

Here's to the Millennial Generation and the next 4 (or forever) years.  

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