Monday, May 7, 2012

Colgate Tri- 2012 Sometimes you just gotta run with it....literally.

Some of you may know that I've been training for my school sponsored Colgate Triathlon for a couple months now. I've spent hours and hours swimming, biking, and running. My goal was to smash my time from the previous year and I was certainly on par to do that.

A little background knowledge- Emmanuel is one of my buds here at school and he decided that he was going to sign up for it too. It was looking like I should come out on top for both the swimming and biking parts. Before race day, I had chugged the water, ate the carbs and was pretty set for smashing my times and possibly beating E-man.
Race Morning- Woke up at 6 the day of the race, ate my eggs bacon and peanut butter- I was prepared to kick butt. Off to the pool I went to get situated.

RACE TIME-   The start went off and swimming I went. I finished the pool section full of adrenaline for the next parts. I had stayed on par with Becca (my sole competitor in the girls group) and finished about 30 seconds before E-man. Next came the biking. I sprinted out to the bikes and began pedaling faster. I passed by Melanie who was with Libby ready to cheer me on. E-man was only a couple feet behind me. I was gonna have to push it to beat him. I finished the second lap only 18 minutes into the race- I was looking GREAT. All of a sudden pedaling felt harder... E-man passed me. I was not gonna let that happen. I passed by my dad who was waiting to take pictures. He said "Come on! E-man just passed you!!" No less than 20 meters after that  I looked back tire had gone completely flat. I silently hoped it would somehow fill back up. I wasn't sure what I could do- find another bike? Go back to my dad? So for the time being, I just hopped off and started running. All I could do was laugh because I found it hilarious that I had put in so much work and yet reality was sinking in that I was certainly going to lose.
        The song by "Stronger" by Kelly Clarkson came on my iPod and I chuckled as I shuffled around the lake to lyircs "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger!" Becca showed up behind me after a minute or two. She asked what she could do to help. She stayed with me for a couple seconds until I said to just go tell Melanie or my dad to find me another bike. She sped on to let them know. Well, I kept running. Little kids began passing me- and by little I mean seriously little- like 7 and 8 year olds. I turned my music up and kept shuffling. I got about a kilometer in and I see my Dad peddling down the hill on a small bike. When I say small, I mean pretty small.... His legs were flailing trying to keep up with the tiny peddles. He's yelling at me- CHANGE BIKES CHANGE ME!! So I give him the bike and hop on. the little thing. I chuckle as I notice the basket and bell attached to the front. I was going to finish that race is style! So I kept peddling, and finished the bike portion of the race on what shall forever be referred to as the midget bike.
      The run portion began and I had tons of energy. Not sure whether it was from the laughter or magical powers from the midget bike, but I was feeling fantastic. I knew I was way too far behind to beat either E-man or Becca but I was sure as heck going to finish this thing. A few little kids who had started long after us and did shorter distances appeared in front of me so I ran up to them and encouraged them to pull through. They really were so close to the finish line... I had two more laps of the path to go. The volunteers were great though. I high-fived them as I passed, told them I'd see them again soon for my other laps. I finished the race in 52:53 and was never more proud of such a bad time.
       Flat tire and all, I had finished 3 seconds before my time from 2 years ago. As I checked my splits I realized that I had cut 6 minutes off my running times from previous years. I calculated that I had lost about 8 minutes with the flat and switching to the maid bike. That would put me coming in around 45 minutes or faster which I would have been way happy with. I guess what that means is that, well folks, I'm going to have to do another one.
So, as Aaron's mother so eloquently put it- "That's life. Sometimes you can train for months and still end up riding a midget bike"
All in all, that was the best 2nd place medal I've ever received.

Helping E-man put on his cap. 

The three of us, tied at the start.
You can't quite tell from the angle, but this is the replacement bike. Basket, bell, the works. 

Coming up to the finish line!! 

Woot woot. 

                                                        Sweaty and Smiling!

                            Love you Becca!! Thanks for your help, and letting me stand on the podium with you!


  1. Congrats on second place, Mina! Even if you had to ride a midget bike (: Good luck with your future triathlons as well!

    p.s. I may or may not have a blog too (;

    1. Lauren! Sorry- didn't see this until now. Thanks so much! I'll check out your blog :] Keep in touch.
