Monday, May 7, 2012

14 Things I LOVE

Our Quick Write in English- We were told to write down the first 14 things that came to mind:
  1.       Rainy Mondays or Fridays.
  2.      Being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
  3.       Being with Melanie when she is hyper
  4.        Exercise
  5.      Changing to become better over time
  6.       The opportunity to live in Thailand
  7.        Being friendly to others
  8.       Giving/ getting compliments
  9.      Michael Pollock’s humor
  10.   Talking with my parents. 
  11.      Laughing with my brother and sister
  12.    Technology
  13.    Surprises
  14.     A full Night’s Sleep 

To assist with both 1 and 14:

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