Thursday, April 19, 2012

Burning Theatre... 2 Years Worth

Today two fellow classmates of mine, Alex and Ben had a burning party where we ashed 2 years worth of notes from our IB HL Theatre course. We exchanged horror stories from the class and burning our major assessments and never ending piles of packets. We had no gasoline so we used trust Axe body spray which tends to make me gag, but it was worth it to torch the pains that class has brought! I can say that I wouldn't have rather spent it with anyone other than Ben & Alex though. Those two boys kept me sane. Here are some pictures of our burning party and then there is a short video of the remains at the end.

                                              Getting the fire started with a guide to theatre!!

                                                            Using AXE as a blowtorch.

Burning now.                                                              Irony? Yes indeed.

The remains..... Farewell Theatre. 

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