Saturday, April 14, 2012

Songkran Action: Day 2 (video included)

Update: Day 2 of Songkran- Went with Pammy and Grant to the same road and had an eventful day of entertaining Thais boarding the Golf Cart.. And Grant got a bit more than he asked for from one lady but that's not quite appropriate for all those reading this blog. I got smart though and put my camera in a plastic bag to take some pictures today. Obviously they are not really high quality.. considering its in a plastic bag! Here are some of my valiant efforts none the less. 
                     People wear all sorts of masks- just to be silly. We saw someone wearing an Osamba Bin
                                Laden mask as well. Not entirely sure they know what that means.

                          Face is pretty full of powder! Still smiling. It started getting in my eyes and mouth though... -.-

                                         A truck passing by who had frigid cold water!

                   See that huge ice block? They put those in buckets of water to make the water uber cold...
                                       It makes it fun to hear the people who get splashed with it squeal.

                                           Check out that water.... Such a great festival!!

                                         Taking a break in 7-11 (Grant Pammy and I) 

Yay for water fights!!! Her hands are covered in the clay powder. 

This is what happens- face covered and this lady then tried to kiss Grant. That wasn't the worst thing that happened to him today though... hehe :] 

Here's a video of me getting attacked. You can see how they just make the golf cart stop and then cover us in water and powder... Enjoy! Sorry for the quality btw, it's tough to film when you can't see.

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