Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Triathlon- The goal starts now.

In my sophomore year of high school I signed up for my first mini-triathlon. It was short and took me less than an hour, but it spurred something within me to start pushing myself and do it again next year. My best friend Michael proved to be tough competition the following year in my junior year as we both did the triathlon together. I cut 3 minutes off my time and am looking to shave off a bit more this year as I have more competition with my friend E-man and possibly even Alex too. I have 2 weeks before my third triathlon and plan on doing rather well but this post is about something ever so slightly bigger than a teen triathlon hosted by my school. This past weekend a family friend of ours ran the Boston Marathon. That in and of itself is quite impressive if you ask me... but on top of that, Rebecca Hirschi ran it while she has been going through Chemotherapy for breast cancer. She's fighting off cancer and yet still trained for months and ran the Boston marathon in record heat.... what's your excuse? In honor of her, and for myself I set a goal today as well.

I plan on doing an Olympic Length Triathlon at least once in my life. That consists of  swimming 1500 meters, biking 25 miles and running 6.2 miles. The distance for the teen Triathlons I've been doing is only 350 meters swim, 5.65 mile bike and only a 2 mile run... Obviously my goal is over triple what I've been doing but that's okay! Yes it might seem slightly crazy... but I have to do it. It's something I'm setting a goal for now, because I know once I get older I might become a fat lard and never want to get off my butt again. Therefore, while I'm still active, the goal has been set. Utah has tons of Triathlon opportunities and there are many for next year and the years to come so I think 2013 might be a good time for my first Triathlon. I'll probably start with a sprint distance first which is about half of the Olympic distance. But then from there, who knows... maybe an iron man is possible? 

Here are some pics from my past triathlons. Obviously, they aren't the most flattering things ever, but hey.... it's flipping hot in Thailand!
                                                               First year- bronze :] 

             Last year- Gold :]   We shall see what this year brings. 


  1. That, my friend, is a great goal--you are going to ROCK it!

    1. Oh I should have credited you for half of these photos! My bad.
