Thursday, August 29, 2013

Ecuador #3: Mitad Del Mundo

One of the things that most people do here in Quito is go to the center of the world (Mitad Del Mundo). We took the hour drive (or so) up there and had an enjoyable time. There is a little touristy trap place with some constructed exhibits of ancient Ecuadorian living and they do some fake tricks like balancing an egg on the equator line. The large French monument is much more impressive and the area surrounding contains some interesting little shops and restaurants. Here are some pics :)
The red line is the supposed center of the world (depending on your GPS)

Balancing an egg... I couldn't do it....... I am unfortunately no egg master :(


This guy did a fun warrior dance thing for us and then had me join in. I'm basically a professional now.
A volcano crater that was mostly covered with fog. 

The flag of Ecuador :)

So then we moved on to the french monument area and here's a few snaps from that :)
I got the whole world... in my hands :)


Artsy fartsy. 

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